Running away from our thoughts | Escapism and Reality

Humans have always been enchanted by mystical stories of faraway lads, heroes winning the battles single-handedly, and the guy falling in love with the quietest girl in the college.  Our choices in movies and books reflect our emotions and beliefs; we like what we see and enjoy. Be it a romantic comedy where the guyContinue reading “Running away from our thoughts | Escapism and Reality”

Impact of technology on relationships – Role of social media

Modern problems require modern solutions. So if we NEED to be glued to our phones, then why not find love in the process? With the advent of fast connectivity, modern relationships are thriving over social media, but failing in essence at the same time.  Confused about choosing your social media or your relationship? Is yourContinue reading “Impact of technology on relationships – Role of social media”

Types of Unhealthy Relationships – Are we in one or do we deny it?

Loving is hard. Like we are not given a lesson into how to love, yet people expect us to dedicate ourselves to someone else and value their love in return. Like we never know what to do with relationships in the first place, other than the immense attraction we feel when we look at someone. Continue reading “Types of Unhealthy Relationships – Are we in one or do we deny it?”

Signs we overlook in a new relationship – Is your ship going to sail or sink?

Ah! The bliss of new-found love. We fall in love with a person, and that seems to be euphoric. The beginning of a new relationship seems to be always beautiful, but we often overlook the red flags in our partner and give them the benefit of the doubt.  The biggest mistake we can make inContinue reading “Signs we overlook in a new relationship – Is your ship going to sail or sink?”

Relationships are hard work : A Beginner’s Guide to Relationships

 We have all been through there and done everything, but apparently, it isn’t a success every time. Relationships are hard work, and honestly, it is like solving a jigsaw where new pieces get added after every round. Like, come on! I just solved it! But here we are, with no form of initial training toContinue reading “Relationships are hard work : A Beginner’s Guide to Relationships”

Top 4 Questions People Have About Dating and Relationships

Depends on which stage you are in. If he is taking you out on dates and bringing you flowers, welcome to the world of illusion.  On the other hand, if it takes you guys two hours to decide where to eat and what to eat, then congratulations, you are in love. This can be boring,Continue reading “Top 4 Questions People Have About Dating and Relationships”

Importance of Motivation in your life for Productivity and Happiness

To wake up every day and be a part of the rat race is methodical for many, but every action needs a driving force, which we need to find from within us or hope for a miracle help from an external source. The key to driving yourself to test your limits is understanding the relationship betweenContinue reading “Importance of Motivation in your life for Productivity and Happiness”

Is your relationship unhealthy? Find out while lazing around in this pandemic.

What to do and what not to do? First step towards monitoring our emotions Collecting your thoughts together and acting out accordingly is a big task for all of us. We often think of tackling a situation in one way, but as always, it goes unexpected. Our emotions get the best of us, and hoursContinue reading “Is your relationship unhealthy? Find out while lazing around in this pandemic.”

Facebook and Relationships: An Introduction to Modern Love

Does social media destroy relationships? Only if you know how to use it well. Now, come on, most of the millennial love stories have their roots in social media DMs. So we can’t COMPLETELY blame social media for all our relationship problems. It was okay when you guys used to flaunt your relationships and getContinue reading “Facebook and Relationships: An Introduction to Modern Love”

Secrets to make your mind happy and calm down thoughts

Time heals everything. I often wonder what it means. Like I still think about the last big fight with my parents, when all I wanted to do was leave the house and never look back. The time when I lost my friend, who I thought will stay with me through thick and thin. The firstContinue reading “Secrets to make your mind happy and calm down thoughts”

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